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Welcome to my Acting Portfolio


 Thank you for being here, it's important to share my story with you. Here you will find my partial or recent projects I have worked on. My name is Youssef Samassi and I'm from  Palermo, Sicily. During my acting experience I have acquired different acting techniques improving my performance in Film & Tv , mostly studying and working with different directors on set practicing Improv, On Camera and Body language techniques.

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I was working as a Model when my agent asked me to audition for a role in a Feature film  Terraferma based in Sicily. In that time acting wasn't in my mind and didn't have any experience on set, I decided to audition for the role and I had the pleasure to work for a month in a beautiful island with well known Italian actors like Beppe Fiorello , Donatella Finocchiaro , Mimmo Cuticchio and the Director Emanuele Crialese. At the end of filming I realized I wanted to do more, be on set following the director's directions, be able to get into character and everything that connected my attention to the camera and the stage space was part of a reality that I felt belonged to me. I loved the way I faced the shooting days, so I shared my new passion with my parents.

I started looking for classes and workshops mainly in Sicily, not fully satisfied with some searches, I thought of leaving Italy and studying in the great city of cinema, Los Angeles. So I decided before leaving to London, during which I worked as a model and in various restaurants, to improve my English language and work to support my study expenses. The first months at Michelle Danner Acting Studio were difficult because I had to adapt myself to a new world, to the "Hollywood Style". I was super exited and focus on my acting career, I knew I was at the right place, even if I was far away from my family. During my permanence studying I had the pleasure to work in a few Feature and Short films in LA.

I had the pleasure to work on set with professional Directors such as Nijla Mu'min, Emanuele Crialese, Roberto Ando', Andrea Debrito, Ian Walker, Diego Vicentini , Jamal Hill and many others.

" If you are reading the end of my page, Congratulations, You are so close to the victory, Don't you dare giving up now. "


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